There were some really beautiful developments that happened today in the relief efforts here at the Branch. Many of you have been expressing in your e-mail messages to us that you appreciate the regular updates, so here is the latest from Day 11.
Six vehicles arrived in a convoy from Santo Domingo today. Another group of brothers from Jimani also came over to help us. Over 20 tons of relief supplies were delivered to us today, including food and medical supplies. A satellite dish and components for an additional Internet connection was lent to us for the relief effort, and a group of five brothers traveled in with the equipment from Santo Domingo to assist with the installation and configuration of the system. This will help us to improve communications with World Headquarters and other branch offices that have been involved with the relief work.
Now that our Internet service is working better, I have started to post some photos on our site. You have no doubt seen many images of the damage that has resulted due to the earthquake, as presented by the media. Even though I will show a bit of what we see near the Branch, I will try to accentuate the relief efforts that are being accomplished to help our brothers affected by the devastation.
Reported by http://a.thomazeau.org/node/52