Haiti Quake - Day 9
Thu, 2010-01-21 21:13 — jgoode A convoy of five vehicles left Santo Domingo early this morning to bring in more relief supplies, including mattresses, rice, salted fish and other food products. Two of the vehicles carried a group of 12 nurses that flew in from Guadeloupe to assist with the medical relief team. They also brought with them tents, as they learned that rooming arrangements were extremely limited. It will actually be their first time to sleep in a tent tonight, as camping is not common here in the Caribbean, yet they are willing to do it to offer their assistance and not place a burden on the support services here.One of the largest food distributors in the country has been able to supply the Branch with some items for the relief effort. Yesterday we were able to purchase from them bottled drinking water, salt, pasta and other basic food items to be included in the kits. The supplier is selling for cash only right now, however has made an exception for Jehovah's Witnesses and allows us to take the supplies on credit. "I can trust the Witnesses, I know they will pay," said the owner. "Everyone else says they will pay, but never do." While the Branch was picking up the supplies, there were and additional 10 cases of bottled water sitting near the door. When asked if they were available too, the owner informed our purchasers that they were reserved for another customer. After a few of minutes however, he changed his mind and gave them to the Witnesses. "I know you are doing good work and will make sure this water helps ones in need," he said.
An accumulated total of 70,076 daily food rations have been delivered to our regional relief centers to date.
Reported by http://a.thomazeau.org/node/51