Haiti Quake - Day 8
Wed, 2010-01-20 18:55 — jgoode
We wish to thank each and everyone of you that has sent us words of comfort and encouragement, knowing that you are keeping our brothers and sisters here in Haiti in your prayers. We are still unable to answer personally your e-mails due to the immense work load involved with the relief effort. We offer you again a brief update on the situation here.
Eight days after the original earthquake, at 6:03 AM this morning the strongest aftershock measuring magnitude 5.9 struck Haiti. It was felt by all in the Port-au-Prince area, which made many run out of their homes and rooms into the open areas for safety.
At the Branch, the survival kits are continuing to be prepared. Today, there were 9,972 daily food rations that were either delivered to or picked up by congregations needing help. This brings the total to 62,424 rations delivered to date.
The medical volunteers from Europe (AidAfrique) arrived today. Another brother and myself traveled to the border to meet them, and guide their convoy of four vehicles to the Branch. Upon arrival, they met with our relief committee, then the medical volunteers from the Dominican Republic who made the transfer of files and patients, after which our brothers and sisters from the Dominican Republic started their trek back home. Tomorrow, 14 nurses are expected to arrive from Guadeloupe as support to the Aide Afrique team. A mobile operating block will also be arriving via the Dominican Republic tomorrow. Our brothers who are surgeons and anesthesiologists are standing by.
On Tuesday, two of our trucks made trips to deliver aid in the areas outside of Port-au-Prince near the epicenter: Merger, Gressier, Léogane, Grand Goave, Petit Goave, Jacmel and Cayes-Jacmel. On the way back they were able to pickup two injured in Léoagne and bring them back to our medical relief center working around the clock here. The drivers report that the brothers and sisters receiving such aid have expressed much gratitude for the help and relief that Jehovah's organization is providing.
The efforts made by Jehovah's people to get aid to fellow worshipers and their neighbors has touched many non-Witnesses. In the regional relief center of Gressier, one man said "It seems there really is a true religion." Another man remarked as he observed the food and survival supplies being unloaded at a local Kingdom Hall, "Now that's what you call a religion! People helping each other."
Despite the difficult conditions, reports from the regional relief centers indicate that the brothers are keeping a positive attitude. In most centers the daily text from Examining the Scriptures Daily is considered together. Local elders arrange for meetings and tirelessly work to encourage the congregation members gathered there. Many of our brothers have commented that they now know what Jesus meant when he said there would be earthquakes in one place after another during the last days. Others have said: "Now we know we really are part of an international brotherhood."
Back in 2004 and again in 2008, the city of Gonaives was victim to multiple hurricanes and tropical storms which left much devastation and death. On both occasions the brothers and sisters there received rapid relief from the Branch and nearby congregations. They now felt moved to give back. Unannounced, the brothers from Gonaives arrived at the Branch on Monday with a gift shipment of flour, rice, gasoline, vegetables and cooking oil. This arrival lifted the spirits of many working at the Branch, especially since the kitchen had just run out of flour that day!
We feel empowered by the strength of Jehovah's spirit guiding us in the aftermath of this disaster. Please continue to keep your brothers and sisters here in Haiti in your prayers.
Your friends,
John & Marie
Reported by http://a.thomazeau.org/node/50